Learning Journal

Week 6

Not only it has been a month since I left my country to study abroad in the UK, but it also a term has passed. In this very first term, I have gained a lot of knowledge, made friend whom are from different countries and had an amazing experienced.


It cannot be denied that Foundation course is extremely intensive and required hard-working. I have to work really hard, read loads of books and do tons of research on the Internet. In contrast to the way I was taught in Vietnam, which is passive, I have to search information for my own beside taking notes in class, actively ask questions if I do not understand. Every two weeks, all of Foundation students have exams or assessments for each subject so the amount of work is huge and focusing is important.

I study Economics, Accounting, FES, and CIT in the first term and these subjects’ marks have a significant impact on my total percentage at the end of the course. At first, I thought that Economics was impossible to understand as I have never learned it before. However, it turns out to be my favorite subjects among all. It is not just about theory, but also about how to interpret the economy or apply it to life. On the other hand, Accounting involves in calculating and logical thinking. It helps me to understand what is a Double Entry Booking, Asset or Liability…. We calculate and practice a lot of exercises in class. It is easy to make mistakes if attention is not paid.


At the beginning of the course, I have enrolled Economics Book Club. Yes! Everyone must be afraid or think this club is boring and students might fall as sleep during the period. I have thought exactly the same as everyone else because I was so afraid whenever I had to read books before. However, things have changed as I joined this book club. Besides reading an Economics book called “Poor Economics” by 2 famous economists, all the members of the club have an opportunity to talk about their point of view about the life, society, government, crimes or public services and we will all discuss it together. Sometimes, the tutor gives us a lot of fascinating examples to illustrate, tells us stories that he had experienced himself or funny stories of is childhood. This Enrichment Program has widened my knowledge and deepen my understanding in many levels. Taking part in this club was a pleasure and I enjoyed it.


During the first term, I have met a lot of new friends from all over the world. I have a chance to know more about their culture traditional and history. Not only international friends, but I also met a substantial number of Vietnamese students living in Brighton. It is easy to get homesick at first, but as time pass by and with the help of Vietnamese students who were very friendly and helpful, I got over it. We help each other whenever they needed as a family. In the evening, we eat dinner together and gossip, which is a way to release stress after class. In the week, we go to the library to collect the materials which are the necessity for the subjects or just listen to music. At the weekend, we try to finish our homework as soon as possible and hang out together all day.

In conclusion, this term has been an interesting journey. I would never be able to archive any of these without supported from my amazing friends, teachers, and family. Especially Bellerbys’s teachers and staff, they were very kind and willing to help me when I need. In the next term, I will learn harder and even harder in order to show my achievements to all my supporters. My goal is to progress into a top ranked university in the UK and I will try my best.






Learning Journal

Week 5

In this term, I study a lot of subjects such as Economics, Accounting, and English skills. However, among all, I find CIT classes are the most interesting.


As an international student, I have never learned a subject which is related to the computer so CIT course is a totally new experience for me. This course is taught by Ms. Sarah, who is really kind and funny. She helps us to do the worksheet on class and explains stages really carefully when we do not understand. She teaches us how to use Excel and create a blog. In Excel, we learn how to organize different categories in order to display it effectively and highlight the important information or data in colors using formatting rules. We also learn how to create a table or a chart in Excel and using formulas to calculate such as average points, total salaries etc. which is practical and vital for all of us in the future as employers required those skills.


Moreover, we have to write our learning journal each week and post it on the course page. These journals then will be posted on the blog. Although writing a journal every week seems to be boring, it helps me to improve my English incredibly fast as I keep on writing what I think without worried about grade or grammar mistakes and then check it at the end. It can be considered as a diary of my study journey at Bellerbys.

In short, CIT course has provided me a lot of practical skills and knowledge about different programs that I will use when studying in the university or in the workplace.





Learning Journal

Week 4

Foundation English Skills class is the most helpful class I have ever learned.

In FES class, I learn a lot of essential skills such as note taking, mind map, summary skill and writing which are noticeably crucial and necessary when learning in a university in the future. Having those skills will help me to perform better without any difficulties.


Moreover, FES also improved my writing and speaking skills as all students have to speak and discuss in a group or in a pair and do writing exercises in class. Although at first, I was struggling to express my ideas and opinions when speaking, practicing and discuss with others in class has improved my speaking skill dramatically. However, we have a lot of handout and assignments every week because this is an extremely intensive course which only lasts for 8 months.

My teacher is Mrs. Sharron, who has given me a lot of keep-calm-and-enjoy-your-english-class-4tricks and tips in learning English as well as enhanced my grammar.  She is really kind and never mind to answer any questions at the end of the class. After every test, she always talks to each of us individually, comments on our work about the mistake and how to avoid it.

In short, owing to FES course, I have improved my English skills and be able to speak more fluently and confident. On the other hand, I must learn harder, practice more and do my best in order to achieve a high score in this course.







Learning Journal

Week 3

At the moment, I am doing a Business, Finance and Management Foundation Course. In this term, which is the first one, I learn 3 main subjects which are Economics, Accounting, and English Skills.


Studying this course will help me to develop abilities to catch up with native students in the university and have a fundamental knowledge. Economics and Accounting are my favorite subjects now, although at first I had some difficulties with language and find it hard to understand some business theory or definition. However, with the help of my teachers and especially my English teacher, who has taught me a lot with my grammar, I become better each and every day. Moreover, I’m able to understand all the lectures delivered in classes.

In Economics class, we learn a lot of theories and principles about Microeconomics, which is completely new for a student like me as I have never learned a subject related to this. My teacher is very kind and friendly. Sometimes he tells us a joke to release the tense and make everyone feel a little bit relax during the class. On the other hand, in Accounting class, we don’t have to learn much theory but we must practice and do a lot of exercises. Despite being very strict to all students, my Accounting teacher is really good in heart and care about us.






Learning Journal

Week 2

Education in the UK in comparison to Vietnam is quite different especially the way teachers teach students. In Vietnam, students are taught in a passive way, which means that teacher is the only one who speaks because he/she delivers the lecture. Students have to do multi-task, writing and listening at the same time. As a result, students either don’t understand the lesson or they fall as sleep during the class.

In contrast, teachers in the UK use a brand new teaching method. Instead of being the only one talking for nearly 40 mins, UK’s teachers try to interact with students. They let students give their own opinions, ask questions in class making them more active and learn quicker than ever. Another interesting difference is that the class size in Vietnam’s school is much crowded than in the UK. Some foreigners even can’t believe that in Vietnam there are over than 50 students/class while in the UK and other European countries have maximum 20 students/class.

Learning at Bellerbys has been interesting experiences for an international student like me also others. Although at first, I find it difficult to catch up with other students and don’t have a lot of friends. However, in the future, I’ll try my best, learn really hard and progress to a top ranked university.






Learning Journal

Week 1

Just few day ago, I was landed in the UK, the country that I have dreamt of visiting since I was small. The moment I got off the plane, I could felt the brisk weather, really cold. It’s was 8 Celsius that day.photo-10-01-2017-3-54-40-pm

After that I took the taxi to Brighton, my first impression was that the people in here are very nice, friendly and helpful. I asked them for the way to the supermarket and they were happy and willing to help me as much as possible. The weather in here is extremely ideal. Brighton is well known the city which has the most beautiful beach and the warmest area in England. So I really enjoy the atmosphere in Brighton and at the weekend, I decided to go around the city to visit the church and went to the pier. It was a really interesting experience for me.

In the future, I’m aiming to get into a really good university which is Warwick and major in Economics. In order to do so, I have to study hard and read a lot of books to broaden my knowledge. After I graduate the university, I will return to my home country and use all the skills and knowledge I have learned when I’m in the UK to start my own business and become a successful entrepreneur in the future.