Learning Journal

Week 2

Education in the UK in comparison to Vietnam is quite different especially the way teachers teach students. In Vietnam, students are taught in a passive way, which means that teacher is the only one who speaks because he/she delivers the lecture. Students have to do multi-task, writing and listening at the same time. As a result, students either don’t understand the lesson or they fall as sleep during the class.

In contrast, teachers in the UK use a brand new teaching method. Instead of being the only one talking for nearly 40 mins, UK’s teachers try to interact with students. They let students give their own opinions, ask questions in class making them more active and learn quicker than ever. Another interesting difference is that the class size in Vietnam’s school is much crowded than in the UK. Some foreigners even can’t believe that in Vietnam there are over than 50 students/class while in the UK and other European countries have maximum 20 students/class.

Learning at Bellerbys has been interesting experiences for an international student like me also others. Although at first, I find it difficult to catch up with other students and don’t have a lot of friends. However, in the future, I’ll try my best, learn really hard and progress to a top ranked university.






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