Learning Journal

Week 1

Just few day ago, I was landed in the UK, the country that I have dreamt of visiting since I was small. The moment I got off the plane, I could felt the brisk weather, really cold. It’s was 8 Celsius that day.photo-10-01-2017-3-54-40-pm

After that I took the taxi to Brighton, my first impression was that the people in here are very nice, friendly and helpful. I asked them for the way to the supermarket and they were happy and willing to help me as much as possible. The weather in here is extremely ideal. Brighton is well known the city which has the most beautiful beach and the warmest area in England. So I really enjoy the atmosphere in Brighton and at the weekend, I decided to go around the city to visit the church and went to the pier. It was a really interesting experience for me.

In the future, I’m aiming to get into a really good university which is Warwick and major in Economics. In order to do so, I have to study hard and read a lot of books to broaden my knowledge. After I graduate the university, I will return to my home country and use all the skills and knowledge I have learned when I’m in the UK to start my own business and become a successful entrepreneur in the future.

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